Ann Ogden
Ann Ogden is the president and founder of Cook for Your LIFE, an organization that provides classes teaching people touched by cancer how to cook healthy meals. Ms. Ogden is a two-time cancer survivor with a passion for food and cooking.
Before founding Cook for Your LIFE, Ms. Ogden had a 30-year career in fashion that took her all over the world, including living 12 years in Paris. While going through treatment following her second diagnosis, she realized that there was a huge knowledge gap for cancer patients between the facts of clinical nutrition and its application in the home kitchen.
In 2007, working in collaboration with local New York City hospitals and registered dieticians, she founded Cook for Your LIFE. Classes are free, culturally adapted, and taught both in English and in Spanish. They are designed to help the cancer community eat better by adding more fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains to their diets.
Thanks to the success of the organization’s in-person programs and their online presence, Ms. Ogden and Cook for Your LIFE have an ongoing collaboration with researchers at Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health, working to find ways to improve the health of the Hispanic breast cancer community. Peer reviewed papers on their work together can be seen on PubMed.