Blogs > Megan D’s story: Fitness, friends, and feeling good | BeACTive

Megan D’s story: Fitness, friends, and feeling good | BeACTive

Megan, a dedicated gym enthusiast and spinning instructor, found herself navigating a new wellness approach after her breast cancer diagnosis.


Building bonds, one step, rep, or stretch at a time

Before cancer, Megan D was a self-described gym rat, a spinning instructor, and a yoga enthusiast. After her diagnosis, she shifted her approach to exercise, and began emphasizing connection, community, and holistic wellness. For Megan D, exercising with others fosters a sense of community that benefits everyone’s overall health.

Keep exercise simple

Megan D passionately advocates for the simplicity of incorporating exercise into daily life, whether it's walking the dog, stretching at home, or playing with your kids.

Megan D smiling headshot after treatment

Exercise isn't always lifting 200 pounds or running a marathon.

Megan D


Her playlist

Lean on Megan D’s selections to have a lovely day and experience good vibrations during your workout!


Let's BeACTive together!

Join Megan D and the other participants in our new, 3-week exercise series featuring 9 workouts of about 20 minutes each and designed especially for people who are going through or recovering from treatment, preparing for surgeries, or regaining mobility after surgery.


Additional resources

Learn more about triple-positive breast cancer.

Get started with yoga.

When you're ready to talk, we're ready to listen.



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