Chery Hysjulien, RN, PsyD
Chery Hysjulien, RN, PsyD, is a registered nurse and licensed clinical psychologist at the Sanford Roger Maris Cancer Center specializing in health psychology with further specialization in psycho-oncology. Dr. Hysjulien has worked in health care for over 40 years. She was initially trained as a registered nurse and worked in medical, surgical, and intensive care units for about 12 years. She then went back to train as a clinical psychologist. She first trained in mind body-based medicine approaches by attending Herbert Benson’s Mind Body Institute at Harvard Medical School and has continued to train in mind-body integrative modalities for the use in health psychology.
Dr. Hysjulien has spent her 40-year medical career as a champion of holistic integrated approaches for patients and training medical staff about integrative healthcare. She has practiced in a wide range of health psychology including eating, cardiovascular, neurological, genetic, and other medical disorders. However, her passion lies in working with oncology patients and teams where she has spent over 20 years developing integrative holistic care for oncology patients.