Harold Harvey, MD
Harold Harvey is professor of medicine and director of the hematology-oncology fellowship program at the Hershey Medical Center of The Pennsylvania State College of Medicine in Hershey, Penn. Dr. Harvey is a member of the Penn State Cancer Institute, and his primary research interest is in breast cancer. He has published extensively in this field in over 300 articles, books, book chapters and abstracts. He has also given many presentations on his research both nationally and internationally.
Dr. Harvey has a particular interest in the hormonal aspects of breast cancer and in bone health. He is active in community cancer education in the minority population.
Dr. Harvey is a member of the American Association of Cancer Education, the American Association of Cancer Research, the American Federation for Clinical Research, the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the American Cancer Society. He has served on the Pennsylvania Cancer Control’s Prevention and Research Advisory Board, the Board of Scientific Councilors of the National Cancer Institute and the Board of Examiners in Medical Oncology of the American Board of Internal Medicine.