About Us > Hyman Muss, MD

Hyman Muss, MD


  • Professor of medicine at the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill School of Medicine
  • Director of geriatric oncology at UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Board certified in medical oncology and hematology

Dr. Muss focuses his research on cancer in older patients, with a special interest in breast cancer in older women. His goal is to improve cancer care for this population, as older women may receive poorer treatment than those who are younger. Differences in treatment for older and younger women exist because there are fewer evidence-based guidelines for them, due to a low number of older women who participate in clinical trials.

Dr. Muss and colleagues at UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center developed a geriatric oncology program with the goal of educating other physicians about cancer care for older patients, to conduct clinical trials focused on that population, and create geriatric assessment tools to enhance treatment decisions.