News > United in vision: LBBC’s Board of Directors welcomes diverse new members

United in vision: LBBC’s Board of Directors welcomes diverse new members

LBBC strengthens leadership with three dynamic board additions, embracing diversity and shared vision.

Collage of headshots of Chelsey Pickthorn, Roberta Albany, Valerie Millier

Channeling varied experiences for a common cause

In a testament to LBBC's commitment to diversity, the organization welcomes individuals with distinct backgrounds, uniting them under a shared passion for breast cancer advocacy. Each new board member brings a wealth of experience, contributing to a collective effort to ensure that no one impacted by breast cancer feels alone or uninformed.

Chelsey Pickthorn: Holistic advocate and LGBTQ+ supporter

Chelsey Pickthorn, a fourth-generation breast cancer survivor currently living with triple-negative metastatic disease, joins the board after years of active involvement with LBBC. Her holistic approach to wellness, combined with conventional treatment, has led to her status of "no evidence of disease." As an advocate, Pickthorn is passionate about equal access to care and information, medical trials, and holistic treatments. A member of the LGBTQ+ community, she brings a unique perspective to the board, emphasizing the importance of open dialogue and challenging preconceptions surrounding illness.

Roberta "Bobbi" Albany: Champion for health disparities reduction

Roberta "Bobbi" Albany, founder and CEO of Cancer in the Know, has dedicated herself to reducing breast cancer health disparities for Black women. An active LBBC community member, Albany serves on LBBC’s Black Breast Cancer Advisory Council and contributes to various advocacy organizations. Her journey began during treatment for hormone receptor-positive breast cancer in 2013, leading her to become an LBBC Young Advocate in 2015. Since then, she has made significant contributions, including appearing in videos, writing blog posts, speaking at LBBC events, and serving on the Medical Advisory Board. Albany's commitment to addressing health disparities aligns seamlessly with LBBC's mission to provide support to underrepresented communities.

Valerie Miller: Financial industry professional and survivor advocate

Valerie Miller, a vice president at Fidelity Investments with over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry, brings a unique perspective as a breast cancer survivor. Introduced to LBBC in 2007 after her diagnosis at age 28, Miller has been actively involved in the organization's fundraising events and served as a co-chair of the 2023 Butterfly Ball. Hereditary breast cancer in her family has further fueled Miller's dedication to supporting LBBC's mission, emphasizing the need for tailored support for young breast cancer survivors.

A collective vision

The addition of Pickthorn, Albany, and Miller to LBBC's Board of Directors enriches an already robust group of individuals with vast experience across various fields. The united front formed by these diverse perspectives exemplifies the strength that comes from embracing differences while working towards a common cause.



Chelsey, Bobbi, and Valerie bring unique strengths and experiences to LBBC's mission. Their diverse voices and shared passion for advocacy will propel us to new heights of support and awareness.

Jean Sachs, CEO


With their collective vision and dedication, LBBC's board of directors continues to lead the charge in fostering a community where no one feels alone or uninformed in the face of breast cancer.

Learn more about LBBC's Board of Directors.