Andrea Cheville, MD, MSCE
Dr. Cheville is associate professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., where she researches lymphedema and serves as chair and division chair for cancer rehabilitation and lymphedema services. Her research focuses on protecting the lymphatic system during primary breast cancer treatment and enhancing its innate capacity to heal, novel care delivery models for long-term lymphedema management, as well as strategies to reduce cancer-related lymphedema risk.
Dr. Cheville's training emphasized pain management, symptom control and functional preservation in all stages of cancer. In 1999 Dr. Cheville accepted the University of Pennsylvania Health System's invitation to develop a cancer rehabilitation and lymphedema program within the Abramson Family Cancer Institute.
Dr. Cheville has written and lectured extensively on these topics as well as on clinical lymphedema practice. Her research has been funded by the Department of Defense and National Cancer Institute. She hopes that we will eliminate breast cancer-related lymphedema within the next decade.